Episode 17. Julie and Scott find themselves trapped on an island serving cold ham to
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More stuff:
- Luke Burrage's Science Fiction Book Review Podcast
- Agatha Christie on Forgotten Classics ... both nonfiction and "The Secret Adversary"
- The Mousetrap and Other Plays by Agatha Christie - contains both "Ten Little Indians" and "The Mousetrap"
- Some other favorite Agatha Christie books to try:
- Murder on the Orient Express
- Death Comes as the End
- The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
- The Mysterious Mr. Quin
- Why Didn't They Ask Evans?
- What Mrs. McGillicuddy Saw!
- Julie's review of Now I Walk on Death Row.
- Maria Goretti and her attacker, Alessandro (his letter is very moving)
- Jacques Fesch (he is the murderer who experienced that moment of grace in his prison cell ... )