And now for something completely different, from Julie ...
Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope.
I Peter 3:15
William Campbell invited me to chat with him at his podcast,
Challenging Opinions. The podcast exists to "test all ideas, left and right, liberal and conservative, progressive and libertarian."
That idea in itself is pretty challenging but when I listened to sample episodes William was a fair and impartial interviewer, which is a rare quality these days.
I thought we were going to discuss my post
Obedience: The Dirtiest Word in America so I was prepared to talk about being an American Catholic during the political season. I think that post was only what drew me to William's attention. We never actually discussed that topic, but wound up covering everything from faith in God to Catholic misdeeds to the future of the Church.
I was going completely off the cuff, which I think shows sometimes, but that in itself was fair. Shouldn't we be able to shed some light on faith and the Church when we're asked about it? It was a like a particularly invigorating workout and I
really enjoyed talking with William.
Challenging Opinions or
For why I'm a happy Catholic and for a further response now that I've looked into the documents William asked me about ... see my post at
Happy Catholic.