Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Good Story 274: Death Comes to the Archbishop

Julie suspected Professor Plum. Scott thought he was in the library with the poison. Then they realized they weren't in a murder mystery. So they hopped on their mules for New Mexico, where the chiles are hot and the souls are needy! Episode 274: Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather.

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  1. I had a similar wrong impression like Scott when I saw the title. I thought to myself, "I think I read that in school. It's about Thomas Becket getting murdered in Canterbury Cathedral." Whoops! When I did some checking, it was T. S. Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral that I had read. Thanks for introducing this one to me!

    1. So glad you liked it! Don't worry, we will be reading a real murder mystery set in medieval times later this season. I hope that will make up for my not making sure everyone's expectations were set properly this time! :-D

  2. I love how they brought a unique twist with their journey to New Mexico.
